Stainless steel casing: the stainless steel case is robust and gives the watch a noble, silver-coloured shine. -- High-quality stainless steel strap: the high-quality stainless steel bracelet ensures maximum comfort on the wrist with its flat folding clasp with safety push. -- Scratch-resistant, curved hardlex glass: the specially hardened Hardlex mineral glass is much more resistant to scratches and bumps than conventional mineral glass. -- Waterproof wristwatch: the watch is waterproof up to 3 bar, i.e. at a depth of up to 30 metres. It can therefore easily withstand accidental water splashes when washing hands, rain or sweat. -- Diameter 30.5 x 6.8 mm
Specifications of SEIKO Classic Lady Eco-Drive Mother of Pearl Dial Ladies Watch SUP469P1
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Push Button Deployment Clasp |
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