Well-Suited for Today's Contemporary Man: This timepiece offers an industrial yet daring look with skeleton hands and a unique horizontal brushed dial. -- Quality Materials: Tommy Hilfiger Men's stainless steel case and link bracelet, blue dial with index. -- Quartz Multifunction: It’s a battery-powered watch that sends energy through a quartz crystal. Is typically built into three separate dials for the day of the week, date of the month and 24-hour time. -- Durable Mineral Crystal: Made from glass and protects watch from scratches. -- Caring for Your Timepiece: Your Tommy Hilfiger watch has been developed with meticulous attention to quality, function and detail. A maintenance interval of 3 to 5 years is recommended, in addition to any required battery replacement. Never open the watch yourself.
Specifications of Tommy Hilfiger Men's Stainless Steel Quartz Watches – Timekeeping with Style
Brand Name |
Tommy Hilfiger |
Model number |
1710518 |
Part Number |
1710518 |
Item Shape |
Round |
Dial window material type |
Mineral |
Clasp |
Push Button Deployment Clasp |
Case material |
Stainless Steel |
Case diameter |
46 millimeters |
Case Thickness |
10.3 millimeters |
Band Material |
Stainless Steel |
Band width |
22 millimeters |
Band Color |
Silver |
Dial color |
Blue |
Bezel material |
Stainless Steel |
Bezel function |
Stationary |
Calendar |
Day |
Special features |
Chronograph |
Movement |
Quartz |
Water resistant depth |
100 Meters |
Display Type |
Analog |
Specifications |
[Brand Name ] |
Tommy Hilfiger |
[Model number ] |
1710518 |
[Part Number ] |
1710518 |
[Item Shape ] |
Round |
[ Dial window material type ] |
Mineral |
[Clasp ] |
Push Button Deployment Clasp |
[Case material ] |
Stainless Steel |
[Case diameter ] |
46 millimeters |
[Case Thickness ] |
10.3 millimeters |
[Band Material ] |
Stainless Steel |
[Band width ] |
22 millimeters |
[Band Color ] |
Silver |
[Dial color ] |
Blue |
[Bezel material ] |
Stainless Steel |
[ Bezel function ] |
Stationary |
[ Calendar ] |
Day |
[Special features ] |
Chronograph |
[ Movement ] |
Quartz |
[ Water resistant depth ] |
100 Meters |
[Display Type ] |
Analog |
Item Reviews